Can you identify a movie from one of its bollywood scenes?

Can you identify a movie from one of its bollywood scenes?

Start Date :Mon Mar 13 2023
End Date :Thu Apr 13 2023
Registration Fee: Free
Age Group :Any

Sponsored By is an ecommerce website for youths, which have cool collection of fashion clothing and gift items.

The Scene of a movie will be mentioned in the question. You will have to identify the name of the movie.
Spend Coins :10
Earn Coins : Score * 2
Pass :30%
Judge :Score
Winner Date :Fri Apr 14 2023
Attempts :1
Timer :90 sec

Rewards and Prizes:

Can you identify a movie from one of its bollywood scenes?

Winner gets a eContestGuru TShirt from our sponsor

*The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. eContestGuru reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.

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