Guess photos related to indian movies & win contest 2022

Guess photos related to indian movies & win contest 2022

Start Date :Thu Dec 01 2022
End Date :Tue Jan 31 2023
Registration Fee: Free
Age Group :Any
Spend Coins :10
Referral :5
Earn Coins : Score * 3
Pass :30%
Judge :Score
Result Date :Fri Feb 03 2023
Attempts :1
Timer :120 sec

Sponsored By is an ecommerce website for youths, which have cool collection of fashion clothing and gift items.

"Attention all Bollywood fans! Do you have a keen eye for movie details and a passion for Indian cinema? Put your skills to the test and enter our "Guess the Photo" contest for a chance to win a handmade pendant.

In this contest, participants will be presented with a series of photos related to Indian movies and asked to identify the film. The contestant with the most correct answers will be declared the winner. So brush up on your Bollywood knowledge and enter today for your chance to win a beautiful handmade pendant.

The contest is open to participants of all ages, so gather your friends and family and see who knows the most about Indian movies. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to showcase your Bollywood knowledge and win a handmade pendant.

Enter now and good luck!"

In this contest you need to guess the correct options of the photos as asked in the question related to Indian Cinema. For example - you might be shown a Poster , a ACTOR photo, Actress Photo or a scene from any Indian Movie and few question would be asked related to photo.

In this contest you can win a beautiful handmade gifts and which will make you/female counterpart look more beautiful :)

In this Image/Photo contest you need to answer 20 questions and if you are the highest scrorer then you are eligible for the beautiful prize.

This contest is a Refer, Play & Win contest.

  • It is Same as the featured contest.
  • Here you refer users along with spend eCG coins

How to participate:

  1. Click the enrol button
  2. Get your referral code from your a/c menu Referral Entries
  3. Start referring your friends with the above referral link
  4. After your referred users complete your profile - it is added to your referral contest list
  5. After required no of users completes their profile you can participate in contest

Points to note:

  1. Duplicate & fake a/c's will be rejected
  2. Referee should complete their profile with ID proof
  3. Referral contest link is NOT same as PROFILE referral link
  4. After required no of users completes their profile you can participate in contest

Rewards and Prizes:

Guess photos related to indian movies & win contest 2022

Winner gets a YouthFAD Pendant from our sponsor

*The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product. eContestGuru reserves the right to change product images and specifications at any time without notice.

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