Match the texts contest: indian festivals and their divine deities

Match the texts contest: indian festivals and their divine deities

Start Date :Wed Sep 27 2023
End Date :Fri Nov 03 2023
Registration Fee: Free
Age Group :Any

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Indian festivals are steeped in rich traditions and diverse cultural practices, each dedicated to a specific deity or divine figure. This contest is designed to test your knowledge of Indian festivals and the gods they are celebrated for. Let's see how well you know the connections between these vibrant celebrations and their respective deities!

Contest Details:

Objective: Match the festival blocks with the correct God block.

Instructions: Connect the festivals listed on the left with the corresponding deities on the right. Write the number of the festival in the space provided next to the deity's name.

The "Match the Festivals with their Respective Gods" contest is a fun way to test your knowledge of Indian festivals and the deities they are dedicated to. It's a celebration of the diverse tapestry of beliefs and customs that make Indian festivals so special. We hope you enjoy this contest and gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural significance of these celebrations. Happy matching!

Spend Coins :20
Earn Coins : Score * 1
Pass :0%
Judge :Score
Winner Date :Sat Nov 04 2023
Attempts :1
Timer :90 sec
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